Dental Implant Recovery Process - Dental Team FL

Dental Implant Recovery Process

The idea of getting a dental implant maybe a scary one but knowing the recovery process may help ease your worry. Your recovery process depends on several factors including how many teeth are being replaced as well as the state of your jawbone. So, let’s jump right in and talk about how it all works.


Bone Grafting


A bone graft may be needed if your jawbone is too thin or fragile for your dental implants to be implanted. It may take several months for the bone graft to fix to your jawbone. If a bone graft is needed you may have to wait several months before the actual implant is installed. This may feel frustrating and defeating when you’re ready to have your implant done, but it is an important step to making sure your implant stays firmly in place.




For a dental implant to permanently become static or stay in place the body must grow bone to the surface of the dental implant. This process is called osseointegration. This process typically lasts between three to six months but can vary depending on the patient. Some jawbones take longer to adapt to the implant than others. During your checkup your dental surgeon will review the status of the bone growth and let you know when you will be ready to add your crown.




Dental implant surgery is for the most part minimally invasive and has a high success rate. Here are some important things to note after your surgery.


Follow your doctor’s instructions.


It is important to follow all instructions given to you by your dental surgeon. After you leave the doctor’s office your dental surgeon will give you a list of instructions. For the best results, be sure to follow them to the letter.


Be prepared for bleeding and bruising.


It is common after dental surgery to see some bleeding for a day or two. If bleeding continues after the second day contact your doctor’s office to discuss if you need to come in or not. It is also not uncommon to see bruising or swelling where the implants were placed. You may apply ice to your jaw for around 20 minutes at a time giving yourself a 20-minute gap. The swelling should reduce after a few days. If the swelling does not go down after that time, contact your dental surgeon.


Don’t be afraid to ask questions.


If you’re having an issue or have a question about your dental implant, don’t be afraid to contact your dental surgeon’s office with any questions you may have. It’s important that you are vigilant about your implant care so that your recovery is successful. Your surgeon would rather you call with questions or concerns, then come in for your follow up with a rejected implant.


While getting a dental implant maybe seem like a daunting experience, in the end you will be so glad you took the plunge and did it. Not only for a beautiful smile but for the health of the rest of your teeth.

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